It seems that in life there are always the best intentions, which are
quite often put on hold as the paths in life pull you this way and that, and you need to take the time to work your way back, circle around, and
arrive back to where you began.
I did not finish my bonnet challenge. There were other things that got
in the way. Rather, there were other things that I let get in my way.
So back to my sewing room I go. Measure twice, cut once . . . meh . . . cut into that fabric fearlessly.
I try to bestow memory, historical influence, and imagination into my work. I craft intuitively, absorbed in the process, and compelled to find the link between both craft and design. My desire is to add beauty and mystery to a world that has lost some of its propriety, wonder and innocence. I hope an audience will view my work with curiosity, recognizing my need and desire to revisit the past and that each piece will become a vestige of former elegance, the real and the imaginary coalesced.